The site had the benefit of outline planning permission based on a scheme for two large one-and-a-half storey, four or five bedroom dwellings. I was appointed by a private Client to apply for the reserved matters (detailed planning permission). This seemed a straightforward process, however it took 16 months from initial concept stage to get to a scheme design which the planning department found acceptable. This plan, by others, shows the scheme which was approved at outline stage, which was my starting point.
The Clients wanted two houses on the site, but following objections from neighbours and not being able to come to a compromise with the planning department, they decided that they would opt for bungalows which would be more subservient and, although larger in footprint, would work better on the site and have less impact on the surrounding area.
Being single storey meant that there will be no overlooking of the neighbours. However, rather than a standard bungalow, I created an interesting design, with a mix of materials, brickwork and boarding, with varying roof forms and apex glazing so that they become an attractive addition to the village.
The footprint of the dwellings were reduced to single storey, without losing the amount of accommodation. Each dwelling accommodates four large bedrooms with an en-suite and a bathroom as well as a large open plan living/kitchen/dining space and double garage.
The latest design has been approved (January 2019). The Clients are very pleased with the outcome, which has been well worth the wait.
Works are progressing well with the structure water tight and the floor drying out. The triangular apex window lets light in over the kitchen area, with the dining space to the right.
The open plan living / kitchen / dining space in Plot 1 boasts an impressive full height window and vaulted ceiling.
The impressive feature gable will be clad in timber which will contrast against the red brickwork.