Planning Applications
Zoe Reeve-Jones has many years experience preparing and submitting planning applications on behalf of her Clients in the East Anglia region. She has a good working relationship with the local planning departments and has a sound knowledge of planning permission requirements.
Let's Design Architecture is here to guide you through the planning procesS
Planning services include: -
Architectural drawings including site plans, floor layouts and elevations
Introducing your scheme design to the planning department in the form of a 'pre-application' submission to get a feel for what you may be able to achieve
Liaison with local historians to obtain historical reports, for listed buildings / conservation areas / areas of archaeological interest etc.
Liaison with other consultants including landscaping / arboriculture / ecological / ground investigation / flood analysis / highways / professional planning consultants / topographical survey companies
Providing architectural documentation, including for example a "Design and Access Statement"
Advising you with the type of application you will need to make including householder / full planning (including change of use) / outline approval / listed building / lawful development / reserved matters / non-material amendment / discharge of conditions / retrospective
Filling out a CIL questionnaire form (Community Infrastructure Levy) as applicable, on your behalf
Making your planning application via Planning Portal, following it up and dealing with architectural conditions arising
For some smaller extensions, a planning application may not be required and the proposals may be permitted development. Let's Design Architecture can offer advice on permitted development rights and what you are allowed to do without requiring planning consent, or under the neighbour consultation scheme.
Existing Front Elevation
Proposed Front Elevation